My Daily Protein Shake!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Your Best Body 12-Week Challenge, Week 11!

-by Mindy Irish

Stay in it for the long haul!

This is not a sprint, it's a long distance event.  You have to pace yourself and learn that some miles are going to be better than others.  Some will feel better than the last or those to come, your form will be better, and your time will improve.  You'll learn as you go and you should be able to reflect on your mistakes. 

Your course will change.  You'll get tired of the same path, so you'll likely want to take a new route.  That's ok....your body likes that!  As you run through the seasons, change is good for you, just as long as you're moving forward and not backward.  Don't ever consider stopping for a long break.  If you feel that way, than you're not on the correct course.

This week's challenge is to commit to stay in it for the long haul!  When you keep on track and choose a diet and activity plan that works for you and is doable, you'll be hooked.  Learn to walk the fine line of being uncomfortable along with being realistic.  If your plan is too rigid or too extreme, ask yourself if you can hang with it for six, 12, 18 months and more.  If not, then it's just a sprint and you're likely not going to land where you want to.  That doesn't mean you have to quit.  That means you have to shop for a new plan that challenges you, equips you, and allows you success all in one.

Stay in it for the long haul!  This is your lifetime we're talking about!!

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