My Daily Protein Shake!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Your Best Body 12-Week Challenge, Week 10!

Cut It Out!
-by Mindy Irish

This week in class an instructor challenged us to find at least one item that was really tripping us up and cut it out of our lives for a few days (to start!).  That "it" item will be different for each person.  Maybe it's sugar, coffee, caffeine, pop, salt, fried foods, candy, or insert your item here!  For some, maybe it's not food.  It could be TV, Facebook, more sleep, less work, more family time, etc.  Or, if you're like me, maybe it's less control.....

This week a dear "Push Pal", as I call her, told me, "I think you need to work on letting go a bit.  You're too rigid."  Who me?  I responded with some reason as to why I've chosen this lifestyle of being healthy and making good choices.  Yada, yada, yada!  But then, as I was on a two-day road trip with my husband, it really hit me what she was saying.  **I just needed to loosen up!**

In all honesty, I get afraid that one slip or lax moment is going to cause all the weight I've lost to come right back on.  I know that's not the case because it took 26 months to lose 92 pounds and a piece of cake or special drink in a planned moment on one night is NOT going to cause it all to come back on the next day!  But, sometimes we do get to that point in thinking.

So for me, it wasn't letting go of a certain food that tripped me up, but rather a fear or moment of always feeling in control!  Can you relate to that?  I was traveling for a weekend getaway and was all packed with my foods and calorie counter in hand.  So I had a change of plans.  I did stay on track for the most part, but chose to take an extra "off day" instead.....and I was ok with that!  I loosened up a bit (and enjoyed it!)

This week's challenge is all about what you can cut out and let go.  You may need to tighten up and get things more under control, or if you're like me, maybe you need to loosen up and learn to let go and just be!

Overall, it's all a process.  We never arrive and get to go on autopilot.  Being purposeful in choosing a healthy lifestyle involves continually asking ourselves what do we need to change, cut out, or let go!  It's just a way that we keep working on being a better person both inside and out.....for the long haul! 

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