My Daily Protein Shake!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Your Best Body 12-Week Challenge, Week Eight!

-by Mindy Irish

I had the opportunity, ok I'll call it a treat, to go grocery shopping by myself recently!  With four littles usually in tow, I don't often get to slow it down and think through my food choices as much as I'd like to.  This trip was different. 

I had already been focusing on the sugar that is added to SO MANY of our foods.  Refined, white sugar is obviously in crackers, cookies, "sweets", but in salsa, ketchup, some mustards, and even horseradish sauce?  Really?  This trip I was able to pick up many items, read ALL of the ingredients, and get to know more about what went into making it, regardless of the price and pretty package.  I could also PUT IT BACK and shop for a new one that had exactly what I wanted it to have!

The challenge this week is for you to get to know your ingredients a little more.  If you're new to your plan, you've likely put some time into this already.  If you're like me and you've been on your journey for some time, it's quite easy to get in a routine and eat what fits our calorie or protein content for the day.  But do you really KNOW what you're eating?

If you buy a lot of fresh produce like I do, then of course you do.  Otherwise, if you shop more from the frozen, canned, and packaged items, I challenge you to give yourself 30 minutes (at least) extra time in the grocery the next time you shop and really see what goes into your favorite find!

We each have our list of items we will and will not eat, so you can keep that in mind when you do your scavenger hunt.  For me it was eye opening that even some items that were labeled "healthy" or "natural" were not ones that really fit the bill for me or my family.  Now I know!

Knowledge is power and when we know better we do better.  Give yourself extra time when you "Fuel Shop" this week and remember that you are in control over what goes in the ONE body that you've been given!  You owe it to you to study and explore your food options.  That's empowering and it's a tool that will move you forward towards reaching your goals!

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