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Monday, December 17, 2012

Fit Gal and Guy Celebrations!

This page is an accumulation of all the Fit Guy and Gal Celebrations that come our way.  If we hear it, see it, or someone tells us about it, and we think you'd want to know, we're going to share it!  Life is too short not to celebrate!  Be inspired and share on!

Have something little or big to tell us ?  
Email us about it HERE!

December 17, 2012
Fit Guy Celebration!  Guy at the gym tells me today that six weeks back he cut all pop out of his life!  He was often drinking a 2-LITER a DAY!  Even though it was diet, it didn't make it any better for him with all the chemicals involved.  He reports that while drinking it, his body was sluggish, his joints were achey, and he felt very bloated.  He now drinks water, unsweet tea (with a splash of lemonade!) and black coffee.  What an accomplishment and I'm sure his body is forever grateful!  

September 13, 2012
Fit Guy AND Gal Celebration!  Guy tells me today that he and the wife made some changes back in February 2012.  They started measuring their portion sizes and became more aware of their calorie intake.  To date, he's lost 48 pounds and she's lost 36 pounds!  It's not rocket science, it's just a new lifestyle put into action.  I'm thinking this duo is flying high on accountability, too!  Hats off to double the progress!

September 7, 2012
It's been a few months since we've celebrated...better late than never!  Got word of a guy who wanted to lose a few pounds.  He decided to cut Mt. Dew out of his daily intake and before he knew it, a few months down the road, new habits were in place and 20+ pounds were gone and not coming back!  He didn't know how bad he felt until he started feeling good!  Go Fit Guy, go!  

April 10, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations!  Gal I work with in Real Estate tells me she started to clean up her diet in January, changed her habits, and started moving more by doing the elliptical and walking her dog.  To date she's down 26 pounds and happy with her new lifestyle!  Love this common theme: change it up, stick with it, get results!  Way to go, Fit Gal!  -Mindy

April 5, 2012
Fit Guy Celebrations!  Walking thru the halls of the Y, I overhear a guy encouraging a gal to start  tracking her eats by using a popular and free program, MyFitnessPal.  He says, "I started using it and it's my daily habit now.  I'm down 16 pounds in 7 weeks and I've learned so much about what types and amounts of food I really need.  I used to eat so much, not that I was hungry, but just because it was there.  Now with daily tracking, I've gotten to know my body better!"  Then he turned and thanked me for motivating him to do that, too!  Love it....get results, spread the word, more get results, more spread the word.....Wonderful cycle!  Pay it forward, Fit Friends!  -Mindy

March 13, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations!  Gal tells me today that she loves the balance of her work and her workouts.  She treats her workouts like a job and schedules them in to her calendar each week.  She admits that keeping herself a priority is key to being able to do what she’s called to do in life.  You got it girl, you got it!  -Mindy

March 8, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations! Gal writes to tell me she recently had baby #4 and wanted to shed some weight to get her body back. She follows the Fit Gal blog and Facebook page and started her new plan in January. 8 weeks later she is down 16 pounds! Hats off to this busy Mom for putting herself on the list and for making herself a priority. You've got some great new habits in full swing, girl! We that in Fit Gal Land! -Mindy

March 1, 2012
Fit Guy Celebrations! Guy tells us he's lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks! He and the wifey AND the family have made major shifts in their eating patterns and have basically cleaned it up and cut it out! Add in more fruits and veggies and lean proteins and he's happy with his results. He did tell us, "People ask me how I'm doing so well. My answer, 'I workout with women!' I take the group exercise cardio and strength classes and those women are so motivating AND challenging, it's keeping me going and helps me push harder!" He also attends many classes with his wife and we think that accountability and duo are the secret ingredient, too! Hooray Fit Guy and Gal for creating new habits and keeping each other on track! We see a great fit future ahead of you!

February 28, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations! Gal wrote to tell me: "Since January 2nd (9 weeks), I'm down 21 lbs as of this morning! I've lost 6" in my waist, 2" off each thigh, and 4" in my hips. I'm taking in all of my pants, reclaiming shirts I gave to my teenage daughter, and I'm no longer in plus sized clothing. I have more energy in the morning, my workouts are twice as long now, and I'm able to get thru them without feeling sick. I'm also proud to report I've gone 7 weeks without any soda! I'm seeing changes every week and I"m loving it. PS-My husband thinks this is great, too!!" We are SO proud of this Fit Gal! She's got a big skip in her step and her new habits are getting her to great places everyday! Cheers to that!

February 25, 2012
Fit Guy Celebrations! Watching "
Fat Chef" for the first time on the Food Network and they take overweight or obese people who work in the food industry and help them revamp their lifestyles. I can imagine it would be very hard to be disciplined if you had the cabability to make great food all day long! One chef loses 25 pounds in 3 weeks from not only cleaning up his diet and eating less, but also by choosing to take the stairs to his 4th-level job as well. Great formula of eating well, eating less, and doing more. Works everytime! Go Fit Guy Chef, go! -Mindy

February 23, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations! Gal wrote to tell me she is plugging away at her goals, staying on plan, and she's hit a 5-pound weight loss mark! We celebrate her journey with her and tell her to keep on keeping on because what she's doing is working!!!

February 21, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations! Gal reported she has lost nearly 20 pounds in 5 weeks' time! When asked what she's changed, she says, "I cut waaaaay back on the alcohol, I am more focused on my diet, and I'm exercising more! I still want to lose about 25 more." We believe in you, Fit Gal! Way to change your lifestyle and get.those.results!

February 18, 2012
Fit Guy Celebration! (We'd love to have more Guys in the club!!) Noticed a friend had taken off some L-Bs. I asked what he's doing and he says, "I'm down 20 pounds and I've been trying to get to the gym more these days, plus staying away from the toxic sugar and carbs that I love. I'm branching out and trying new things, which is really different for me! I'm a creature of habit, so I tend to ea...t the same bad stuff no matter where I go. So, eating better + drinking tons of water + doing the treadmill a lot seems to be helping!"
We see this same tune being in your old habits for new ones, clean up the diet, add in the H2O, increase the activity....and the body gets happy!! Go Fit Guy, go......You're a Rock Star!

February 14, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations! Noticed a gal I know had slimmed down and when asked if she had lost weight, she exclaimed with a smile, "Yes, about 35 pounds so far!" I asked her what she *changed* and she said, "I cut out all the processed foods, I eat minimal grains, and now eat mainly lean proteins and veggies." May not be a fit for all, but it works for her! She *changed her habits*, put new ones in place, and now her body is responding! Go Fit Gal, go!

February 11, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations! Gal writes to say she's hosting a birthday party and wants to serve healthy fare, but not offend those that are attending or try to send the wrong "I eat so healthy and you don't" message to her family. We brainstormed to come up with a taco bar idea and she used the Fit Gal blog to shop for a soup recipe, too. She reports today that all were happy, no one was offended, she stayed on plan, AND she even ate some of the birthday cake, the balance! Congrats Fit Gal for thinking of your goals, your guests, for keeping everyone happy, and for asking for help! We're proud of you!!

February 9, 2012
Fit Gal Celebrations! Gal texts me to say that she is traveling and planning to eat clean while away. She packed veggies and fruits for the trip and even refused a fries and coke when her hubs made a gas stop. Six years ago she found out she has congestive heart failure with only 10 to 15% heart functioning at the time. She's been with a trainer 2x weekly and her heart pumping function is now up to 35%! Her diet is also a work in progress. *This one comes at me with an extra special tug.....way to go MOM!* I'm proud of you and I'd like to think my motivation here and in my daily actions have some impact on your journey, too! Keep at it, Fit Gal! -Mindy

February 7, 2012
Fit Gal Celebration! Gal reports she was never an active person. She started some fitness classes at her gym and also went recently with her son and husband to "jog" around the track while they conditioned. She surprised herself and made it around the track without stopping! "I was so excited I did it again and again until I made it 1 mile!" She has pushed herself and is now up to 1.5 miles without stopping. "I am so proud of myself that I'm doing this, that I've signed up for an upcoming 5k!" She did it. She pushed on. *She believes in herself now and the sky's the limit!* We ♥ that and we're proud of you, too! Keep on keeping on, Fit Gal!

February 4, 2012
Fit Guy Celebration! Was downtown for the Big Game XLVI events in our city last night and got a tap on the shoulder in this sea of people. Guy from 20+ years ago in high school tells me, "I read all your fitness stuff on the internet. I read your Success Story in activelife Guide in January, and now because of you, I go to the gym! I figure if you can do this after having 4 kids, I have no excuses. I had to get my butt to the gym. So thank you!" Me....speechless! Made my day. You MUST share your story. It's not about you. It's about others needing a push to do more! Get it, Fit Guy! -Mindy

February 3, 2012
Fit Guy Celebrations! Overheard a guy at the gym talking to a friend-
"I'm working hard to quit smoking, so I come here to keep focused on my goal. It really helps!" Go Fit Guy, go!

Have something to celebrate? (Ummmm, yes, we ALL do!)

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