My Daily Protein Shake!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Your Best Body 12-Week Challenge, Week Two!

Do you control the food or does the food control you?

-By Mindy Irish

If I fall off my plan, get behind on my set eating times and get REALLY hungry, the food controls me.  Literally, it's like the food talks to me!  However, if I stick to my plan and plan out my menu and day ahead, then I'm Queen for the day!

This week, I controlled the food.  I often say that we crave what we're made of.  So, what are you craving?  Is the crave taking over you?  Then it has control.  It's time to take that back and put food in its place!  That can only be done when you track and record what you're eating, (no guessing!), and then start backing off that controlling, craving food.  Less in, less craving, more control!

You staying on your chosen plan, your mindful actions, and your willpower all combine to make you a strong person working one day at a time on your goals and getting one step closer to where you want to be!  PLUS, you set up great habits, too!

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